If Call Of Duty Mobile appears to be crashing sporadically without any clear pattern, it may be caused by a random bug within the game or with your BlueStacks emulator. No application or program is perfect so from time to time, some apps may hit a snag and crash unexpectedly. I’ve personally experienced Call Of Duty Mobile crashing on me when I tried to join another round without knowing that the emulator has a pending update. If your games started to crash all of a sudden when in BlueStacks, the first consideration that you must make is to check whether or not the app is fully updated. Let’s talk about each of these things briefly below. There can be several possible causes why Call Of Duty Mobile crashes when playing in BlueStacks. Why Call Of Duty Mobile is crashing in BlueStacks? If you are in the same situation, this article should help you deal with this problem.

Unfortunately, some Call Of Duty Mobile players have reported that their game is crashing in BlueStacks. One of the popular emulators that millions of Android and iOS users use to play games on their PC is BlueStacks.